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This article is very important for those who are coming to the field of Import and Export in Lebanon, as you need to know what you can export from Lebanon and what you can supply to that country of various commodities, which will undoubtedly help you to flourish and succeed in your business.

Lebanon’s most important exports

  1. Biscuits, chocolate and sweets.
  2. Coffee and nuts.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Juices and drinks.
  5. Mineral water.
  6. Oils, fats and their derivatives.
  7. Pastries and baking products.
  8. Pickles, jam, and preserves.
  9. Chicken, meat and fish.
  10. Seeds, herbs and spices.
  11. Wine and other alcoholic beverages.

Lebanon’s main imports

  1. Imported foodstuffs.
  2. Electrical appliances and metallic equipment.
  3. Imports of oil and electricity.
  4. Medicines and medical equipment.
  5. Imports of livestock.
  6. Imports of cars.
  7. Clothes and fabrics.
  8. Children’s toys and sports supplies.

What are the amounts for import and export in Lebanon?

These amounts differ according to the countries that Lebanon deals with and the goods it imports from, which we have already mentioned at the top of the article. Therefore, we will talk in this section of the article about the amounts related to the most important countries that deal with Lebanon in general.

With Egypt, for example, you find that the volume of trade between the two countries increased to 253 million dollars during the period from January to March 2012, compared to 143 million dollars during the same period in 2011, an increase of 77%.

As for Saudi Arabia, we find that Lebanon exports to it more than $250 million, including $20 million from the vegetable and fruit export sector as an example. It is the second destination for export to Lebanon after the United Arab Emirates.


Therefore, we conclude from the above information, of course, that if you, dear reader, work in the field of export and import in Lebanon, it is necessary to take the previous data into consideration, as it will help you effectively and decisively in all your foreign trade deals.